Rain Dog Code for Four

“Rain Dog Code for Four”

Rain Dog Code for Four is piece about relationships and decision making. About space being transformed, and links being created. About how the dancers act and react according to the information they receive from each other. It is about finding complexity within very simple actions.

In Rain Dog Code for Four, the dancers evolve through a set structure using only improvised material. The coherence comes from a common movement sequence on which the whole piece is based. This original material has been taken into every possible direction in order to create a new and surprising environment where the dancers can, each time they perform the piece, explore something different.

Choreography: Nina Vallon in collaboration with the dancers

Premiere: Künstlerhaus Mousonturm, May 2010 / ZuKT – HfMDK

Music: In a “monochrome” and “need something yellow” frame of mind.*

Composition and arrangement work: Jam El Mar Music Title: Stephanie Sulek Movement coaching and assisting: Kristina Veit

* The realization of In a “monochrome” and “need something yellow” frame of mind. was almost entirely done with the application “Rain” running on a single iPhone. Credits go to Rainer Kohlberger, (design and programming) and Max Kickinger, (sound samples). http://kohlberger.net/rain

©Photos Maciej Rusinek

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